In November, our Ringrose Law Boston office took part in Will Aid Month and we are delighted to announce that we raised over £2,300 for the nine Will Aid charities.   Will Aid is the UK’s leading charity will-writing scheme. It offers everyone the opportunity to make or update their Will in return for a donation to help people in need in the UK and all over the world. The money donated is shared between nine well-known UK charities: ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (Northern Ireland).

As part of the Will Aid campaign we prepared Wills for people without charging our usual fee. In return for this service, the clients made a donation to Will Aid. We had a very busy and successful campaign and wrote 28 Wills for people, giving their families the security of a properly drafted Will as well as the opportunity to support these key charities.

Lyn Townsend from Ringrose Law Wills and Probate department commented; “We really enjoyed meeting many new local clients and would like to thank those who took part and donated so generously in order to make our fundraising efforts such a success. The money we have raised will be added to the nationwide total, currently standing at £1.5m, which will be put to work to make a real and lasting difference to vulnerable children, families and older people in the UK and around the world.”

The scheme runs again this November and we look forward to meeting more new clients in need of a Will and who would like the added benefit of supporting charities at the same time.

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