Going through a separation or divorce is not only upsetting. It can also be stressful.

The worry of;

  • How it will affect your children
  • What to do with your family home
  • How you will divide your assets, and
  • What your life will look like after

Can have an enormous impact on you and your whole family.

Our divorce solicitors in Lincoln can help. We will protect your interests through the whole process, providing advice and support when you need it.

What Are the Grounds For Divorce?

The law changed on the 6th of April 2022 and No Fault Divorce replaced the old system.

This means you no longer need provide a reason or blame each other for the failure of your marriage. Instead, you provide a statement confirming the irretrievable breakdown of your marriage.

To get divorced, you must meet the following conditions;

  • You must have been married or in a civil partnership for at least 12 months.
  • Your relationship has broken down irretrievably
  • Your marriage (including same sex marriages) is legal in the UK
  • The UK is your permanent home

Is Your Marriage Breaking Down?

If you want to start divorce proceedings, contact us today. We'll protect your interests and help you move on with your life.0333 3580 393

What Happens to My Children in a Divorce?

When a marriage breaks down, children are often the innocent victims.

Sadly, they are often used as weapons between fighting couples.

If you and your partner cannot agree on what should happen regarding your children, we can help. This often includes the use of a Child Arrangement Order

When resolving child matters, our focus is their welfare. We will work with you to make sure whatever steps we take are in their best interests.

What Happens to Our Finances?

While it might not feel like it, your finances and divorce are legally two separate issues.

As such, they are dealt with separately.

When dealing with finances as part of a divorce, we aim to achieve a fair outcome for each partner. We will consider each person’s resources, including;

  • Income
  • Properties (both investment assets and the family home)
  • Businesses
  • Saving and investments
  • Pensions, and
  • Other financial commitments

Finances are often complex and a source of contention in a divorce.

We can help you achieve an outcome that not only looks after your immediate financial needs, but also the future needs of you and your children.

Do I Need a Solicitor to Get Divorced?

You do not legally need a solicitor to get divorced. You can apply for a divorce or dissolution online without a solicitor.

That said, divorce is often complex. Especially when it involves children, finances, and other financial assets.

As such, we recommend you seek legal advice.

Do I Have to Go to Court to Get Divorced?

It is rare to have to go to court in person to get divorced.

When it comes to your finances and children, we have tools to help you reach a settlement that is fair on everyone. These include;

  • Negotiation, and/or
  • Arbitration

That said, if we cannot reach an amicable solution, we may have to go to court. If this is the case, our expert divorce lawyers will help and support you through the entire process. We will also fight hard for a fair settlement.

How Long Will My Divorce Take?

Most divorces take around 6-8 months to complete.

While you might want to get your divorce finished as soon as possible. However, it is important you do not make any rash decisions.

That is why there is a minimum period of 20 weeks between the application and Conditional Order. This is called the ‘Period of Reflection’. It is designed to give you and your partner the opportunity to try and save your marriage before committing to a divorce.

After that, there is another 6-week period between the Conditional Order and the Final Order.

That said, this depends on where you and your partner;

  • Agree on how to divide your finances
  • Agree on who your children will live with, you will have them and when, and
  • How quickly you both fill in and return the paperwork

If you and your partner cannot agree, or if you have complex finances, it will take longer.

How Much Does Divorce Cost?

Every divorce is different. As such, the cost will depend on how much work we need to do reach a fair settlement between you and your partner.

If you and your partner agree on everything, you can keep costs to a minimum. However, if you have major disagreements, the cost will escalate, especially if you must go to court.

If you and your partner agree to the divorce, we offer a fixed fee divorce option. This excludes standard court fees which you will need to pay separately.

The cost of dealing with other issues like children and finances is separate from the divorce itself. We can give you an estimate at the start, depending on your personal circumstances.

Is Your Marriage Breaking Down?

If you want to start divorce proceedings, contact us today. We'll protect your interests and help you move on with your life.0333 3580 393

This was my first time I have needed a solicitor and I was very impressed with the service and care I was given, especially as I was very dazed with having to cope with divorce proceedings and my then husband’s behaviour.

I cannot thank all those involved enough. I am very happy with the outcome.

Divorce Client - Lincoln

How Can Ringrose Law Can Help?

We have vast experience in dealing with all aspects of divorce. These include;

  • Filing for divorce
  • Financial settlements
  • Child arrangements and
  • Domestic abuse issues

When you instruct us to act on your behalf, you will have a dedicated solicitor who will look after your case, from start to finish. They will be there when you need them and speak with you in easy-to-understand language.

We understand how stressful and upsetting getting divorced can be. Our team care about what they do and pride themselves in being able to help in what are often incredibly difficult circumstances.

We are here to support and guide you and fight hard on your behalf to achieve the best possible outcome.

Related Links:

Finances and Divorce

Deed of Separation

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    Further Advice


    If there is domestic abuse in your marriage, we can help you protect you with the use of either a;

    1. Non-Molestation Order, or a
    2. Occupation Order

    No. This is a conflict of interest.

    It is important that both sides seek independent legal advice. However, we will do all we can to respect your current agreement.

    You and your partner must make a full and frank disclosure of your finances using a Form E. This is required by law.

    Hiding money during a divorce amount to lying under oath and the consequences can be serious. In some cases, it can result in a prison sentence.

    If you want to separate from your partner but you’re not ready to divorce, you could get a Deed of Separation from a court.

    This will give you time to agree on any personal, family, or financial arrangements before divorce.

    Another option is Judicial Separation. This means your marital obligations will end but you legally remain married. However, if you separate this way, you will not be able to remarry until you are divorced.

    Some people choose this way of separating for religious or moral reasons.

    Yes, you can.

    There is a 20 week ‘Period of Reflection’ between the application and the court issuing the Conditional Order. After that, there is a further 6 weeks before the court issues the Final Order.

    It is designed for this very reason.

    Yes, but you will need to get a certified copy of your marriage certificate.

    If you have been married for;

    • More than 18 months – you can get a copy from the General Register Office
    • Less than 18 months – you should apply to the Register Office local to where you got married

    If you married in another country, you will need to apply for another marriage certificate in that country. This could cause further delays.

    Fees apply in all cases.

    You could get divorced in the UK if you married abroad, as long as the marriage in recognised in England and Wales.

    You will need to prove that your marriage was abroad which your marriage certificate will do. If you have lost it, you will have to apply for another one from the country you married in.

    All divorce documentation should be served on your spouse. The court needs proof of this with an ‘Acknowledgement of Service’ form.

    If they do not respond, our divorce solicitors can arrange for an agent to serve the paperwork.

    You will need to prove to the court that you have done all you can to find and contact your spouse.

    We can help you through the steps to finding them.

    If you cannot find or contact your spouse, the court might rule that the divorce can go ahead without the paperwork being served.


    Your divorce will impact the parts of your will that replate to your ex-husband or wife. Anything left to them will be treated as if they died on the date of the Final Order.

    This can have a serious impact on your estate. If your Will does not specify what happens in the event of your ex-partners death, the rules of intestacy could apply.

    This could mean that;

    • Your estate gets divided up differently than you want, and
    • Jeopardises any inheritance you have left for the rest of your family

    As such, you should make a new will as a matter of priority.

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      General enquiries: 0333 3580 393Your local office: SheffieldGrimsbyNottinghamPeterboroughNewarkGranthamSleafordBostonLincoln