A distraught mother found herself facing the potential loss of her driving privileges. She had inadvertently driven her car without insurance. An oversight? Yes. An honest mistake? Absolutely. But the implications of this error threatened to alter her life’s daily rhythm significantly.

Sunil Khanna, a member of our Criminal and Road Traffic Defence, took the helm of this intricate case. The details of the situation were clear: the lapse in her insurance policy was without the client’s knowledge. She wasn’t trying to cheat the system; she had simply fallen through an administrative crack. Sunil stood before the District Judge, arguing for the client and at end of his address, it was evident that “Special Reasons” had been established.

Sunil was able to persuade the judge to give the mother an Absolute Discharge. No penalty points, no fine, no costs. The weight that had pressed upon her heart lifted, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude. She could drive her children to school, attend their events, and care for their needs without the looming shadow of a court decision.

It’s moments like these that highlight the significance of having a dedicated team ready to advocate for justice. Whether you find yourself entangled in road traffic regulations or other legal uncertainties, please contact a member of our Road Traffic Defence team who will be more than happy to discuss your case and advise whether legal aid is available or discuss a fixed fee to represent you.

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