Sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools

A report recently published by The Women and Equalities Committee claims that 5,500 sexual offences were recorded in UK schools over a three-year period, including 600 rapes. 41% of UK girls aged 14 to 17 who reported an intimate relationship experienced some form of sexual violence from their partner.

The Government have been requested to take action and recommendations have been put forward as follows:

  • Use the new Education Bill to create an obligation on every Governing Body to take appropriate action to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and sexual violence.  Clear national guidance and support must be developed to help achieve this effectively through a ‘whole school approach’.  This involves teachers, governors, school leaders, parents, young people and specialist sector organisations working together.
  • Require Ofsted and the Independent Schools Inspectorate to assess schools on how well they are recording, monitoring, preventing and responding to incidents of sexual harassment and sexual violence.
  • Ensure every child at primary and secondary school has access to high quality, age-appropriate relationships and sex education delivered by well-trained individuals.  This can only be achieved by making sex and relationships education (SRE) a statutory subject; investing in teacher training; working with sexual violence specialists to update SRE guidance; ensuring teachers have access to appropriate materials; and investing in local third sector specialist support.

It can be very difficult and traumatic for people of a young age to speak out about violence they may be subject to as well as not knowing they are being subject to domestic abuse.   If you or somebody you know is being subject to any form of domestic abuse please do not hesitate to contact a member of our Family Law team today on 01205 311511 alternatively call into one of offices located in Boston, Lincoln, Spalding, Sleaford, Grantham and Newark.

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