It is important to act immediately if you receive a pre-proceedings letter.  A pre-proceedings letter is a letter sent by the Local Authority setting out concerns they may have about yourselves in respect of your ability to care for your children.

This letter will set out each concern the Local Authority has and what action needs to be taken to avoid the Local Authority issuing care proceedings.  It will also provide you with a date for a meeting in which you will be required to attend to discuss these concerns further.  These meetings can either take place in person or online.  At these meetings, the Local Authority, the social worker, and both parents will be in attendance.  You are entitled to free legal representation at these meetings.  Therefore, it is important that you contact a solicitor as soon as you receive this letter.

A solicitor will go through these concerns with you and provide advice on these.  At the pre proceedings meeting the Local Authority will usually set out a plan which you should cooperate with.  The Local Authority’s plan can provide you with an opportunity to persuade them that their concerns no longer exist and allows you to demonstrate the work you have carried out. This usually includes carrying out a parenting assessment of each parent.  The Local Authority will also usually offer supporting agencies in which you can be referred to, to help with any substance misuse or mental health needs.  Once this assessment has been completed then another meeting will be held in which the Local Authority will update you as to whether their concerns still remain and may provide a plan going forward.

If the Local Authority’s concerns remain and you have not engaged with their plan, then the Local Authority are likely to issue care proceedings.  A solicitor will then offer to support you through these proceedings and provide advice as to the next stage.

At Ringrose Law, we can provide such support and advice. Contact our team on 0333 3580 393


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